I have noticed that many people in the USA have no idea what true socialism is, nor what countries are or are not socialist states. Probably their political leaders' fear mongering and the virtue of ignorance are to blame for that.
Norway is not a socialist state. It's a capitalist free market democracy with a social safety net. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model
Yes, it's a mixed economy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_economy), but not socialism. Perhaps state capitalism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_capitalism) is a good name, because the Norwegian government chooses not to regulate, but to own shares in some important companies instead.
Anyway, I think USA royally fooked up with unbridled free market capitalism. There is a reason the USA has the highest per capita health expenses, and doesn't even get close with average life expectancy to countries like Poland and Chile, that have much lower per capita health spendings....